Shailaja Variar
The book was an eye-opener in many ways. It sensitizes one to think from the perspective of a disabled person. There are a few questions that linger in my mind though after reading this. 1) 21 recognized disabilities - author mentions that accessibility experts are easily available but are these experts capable of handling all of these 21 variants? 2) How many types of such experts are there? ex: digital experts, construction experts etc. 3) It is easier to make the world accessible for the physical and sensory diabilities but how about the cognitive types which is much more difficult to take care of? Are there experts for these too? 4) Which nation is the best role model for India in achieving accessibility? 5) One of the chapters, author says to take feedback from the disabled but how can one take feedback from all types? It was also disturbing to know that a genuine desire to help a disabled human may often be misconstrued as cockiness. Good start that should not stop at this.
ankit guha
Kalyan has done a fantastic job at highlighting the need for accessibility and how accessible spaces impact everyone in our society positively. Before reading this book, I thought I had certain level of awareness, only to find out that there is more than meets the eye.