Thorne Smith's 'Topper' is a classic comedic novel that follows the misadventures of a respectable banker and his wife who become entangled with a mischievous pair of ghosts. Written in a lighthearted and witty style, the book blends elements of the supernatural with everyday scenarios, creating a humorous and entertaining read. Set in the early 20th century, 'Topper' offers a satirical commentary on societal norms and expectations of the time. Smith's playful narrative and clever dialogue keep readers engaged from start to finish. His unique storytelling technique sets 'Topper' apart as a timeless piece of humorous literature. Thorne Smith's own experiences in the advertising industry likely influenced his ability to craft memorable characters and captivating plot twists. His background in marketing and writing for popular magazines shines through in the novel's sharp wit and engaging storyline. Fans of comedic fiction and supernatural themes will thoroughly enjoy 'Topper' for its delightful humor and imaginative storytelling.
Science fiction & fantasy