Chinmay Chakraborty is an Assistant Professor (Sr.) in the Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India. His main research interests include the Internet of Medical Things, Wireless Body Area Network, Wireless Networks, Telemedicine, m-Health/e-health, and Medical Imaging. He is an Editorial Board Member of various different journals and conferences
Dr. Subhendu kumar Pani received his Ph.D. from Utkal University,Odisha, India. He is working as professor at Krupajal Engineeing College under BPUT, Odisha, India. He has almost 2 decades of teaching and research experience. His research interests include Data mining, Big Data Analysis, web data analytics, Fuzzy Decision Making and Computational Intelligence. He is the recipient of 5 researcher awards. He has published dozens of international journal papers. His professional activities include roles as Book Series Editor, Associate Editor, Editorial board member and/or reviewer of various international journals. He is Associated with a number of conference societies. He has more than 150 international publications, 5 authored books, 15 edited and upcoming books; 20 book chapters into his account. He is a fellow in SSARSC and life member in IE, ISTE, ISCA,OBA.OMS, SMIACSIT, SMUACEE, CSI.
Mohd Abdul Ahad is a Senior Member of IEEE and is currently working in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in the field of Big Data Architecture. His research areas include Big Data architecture, Distributed Computing, IoT, Sustainable Computing. He is currently serving as an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of End User Computing and Development (IJEUCD), IGI Global, USA.
Qin Xin graduated with his Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, UK, in December 2004. He is currently working as a FULL professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the Faroe Islands (UoFI). His primary research focuses on designing andanalyzing sequential, parallel, and distributed algorithms for various communication and optimization problems in wireless communication networks and cryptography and digital currencies, including quantum money. Moreover, he investigates combinatorial optimization problems with Bioinformatics, Data Mining, and Space Research applications. Currently, he is serving on the Management Committee Board of Denmark for several EU ICT projects.