Truly productive brainstorming sessions are part of a complete process. “I have recently become disillusioned by the number of people, including supposed experts, who really do not understand creativity in general and brainstorming in particular. Sessions get called ‘brainstorming’ but are anything but. At last, has set the record straight in this detailed and highly practical book, stuffed full of wisdom and tools to make brainstorming work.
This little book packs a big punch with
· Brainstorming: the why, the what, and the how?
· What difficulties can be experienced with brainstorming?
· A step-by-step process conducting a brainstorming session.
In this book the reader will be taken directly into facilitative sessions around the world, and provided a front row seat to watch the method at work.
The book strives to be a true user’s manual, providing tangible, practical advice for how to effectively use the method in different situations.
Hi, my name is Francis Drake. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.