Max Freedom Long was a preeminent western scholar on the Huna, the psychological philosophies of the ancient polynesian culture that incorporated 'miraculous' events such as hands on healing, fire/hot lava walking, spirit communication and management, and psychic occurances. This text is a compilation of his case studies and field work. Chapters include The Practical Use Of The Magic Of The Miracle, How The Kahunas Controlled Winds, Weather And The Sharks By Magic, The High Self And The Healing In Psychic Science, The Significance Of Seeing Into The Future In The Psychometric Phenomena And In Dreams, The Incredible Force Used In Magic, Where It Comes From, And Some Of Its Uses, and, Fire-Walking As An Introduction To Magic.
♥♥The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long ♥♥
This book deals with the discovery of an ancient and secret system of workable magic, which, if we can learn to use it as did the native Polynesians and North Africans, bids fair to change the world. The Huna ("secret")science used by the Polynesians for healing, controlling of winds and weather, and other "miracles" was strictly prohibited to outsiders until Max Freedom Long arrived in 1917. I arrived in Hawaii in 1917, and took a teaching position that placed me near the volcano, Kileauea, which was very active at the time.
♥♥The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long ♥♥
The school was one of three rooms and stood in a lonely valley between a great sugar plantation and a ranch. The two teachers under me were both Hawaiian, and it was only natural that I soon began to know more about their Hawaiian friends. From there I began to hear guarded references to native magicians, the kahunas, or Keepers of the Secret. With background in psychology, my curiosity became aroused and I began to ask questions. To my surprise I found that questions were not welcomed. MAX FREEDOM LONG
♥♥The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max Freedom Long ♥♥