Michael E. Kraft is professor emeritus of political scienceand public affairs at the University of Wisconsin–GreenBay. He is the author of, among other works, EnvironmentalPolicy and Politics, 8th ed. (2022), and coauthor ofComing Clean: Information Disclosure and EnvironmentalPerformance (2011), with Mark Stephan and Troy D. Abel.In addition, he is the coeditor of Environmental Policy:New Directions in the 21st Century, 12th ed. (2025), withBarry G. Rabe and Norman J. Vig; Toward SustainableCommunities: Transition and Transformations in Environmental Policy, 2nd ed. (2009), withDaniel A. Mazmanian; and Business and Environmental Policy: Corporate Interests in theAmerican Political System (2007) and The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Environmental Policy (2013),with Sheldon Kamieniecki. For over forty years, he taught courses in environmental policy andpolitics, American government, Congress, and public policy analysis.
Barry G. Rabe is the J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy and theArthur F. Thurnau Professor of Environmental Policy at the Gerald R. Ford Schoolof Public Policy at the University of Michigan. He also serves as a nonresident seniorfellow at the Brookings Institution and as a fellow of the National Academy of PublicAdministration. He is the author of numerous books and articles, including Statehouseand Greenhouse: The Emerging Politics of American Climate Change Policy (Brookings,2004), which received the 2017 Martha Derthick Book Award from the AmericanPolitical Science Association for making a lasting contribution to the study of federalism.His latest books are Can We Price Carbon? (MIT Press, 2018) and Trump, theAdministrative Presidency, and Federalism (Brookings, 2020), coauthored with Frank J.Thompson and Kenneth K. Wong, and he is currently working on a book examiningthe politics of short-lived climate pollutants such as methane.
Norman J. Vig is the Winifred and Atherton Bean Professor of Science, Technology,and Society emeritus at Carleton College. He has written extensively on environmentalpolicy, science and technology policy, and comparative politics and is coeditorwith Michael G. Faure of Green Giants? Environmental Policies of the United Statesand the European Union (MIT Press, 2004) and with Regina S. Axelrod and DavidLeonard Downie of The Global Environment: Institutions, Law, and Policy, 2nd ed.(CQ Press, 2005).