Jamie Brydone-Jack
Find Better Books Than This One After I saw The Imitation Game, Turing's life and work fascinated me. Unfortunately, this book misses the mark on several points. Parts of it read like somebody's schoolwork, going on for longer than is needed in a book of this length about British history and other points not directly related to Turing’s tragic life. When he does get Turing, the author seems far too focused on Enigma, not on what the subtitle says, his tragic life. The book is also filled with factual errors as well as problems with grammar, punctuation, and usage. Turing was such a fascinating and brilliant man. What he did was amazing, and we can only question what other brilliant things he might have done had it not been for his country's vile treatment of him because of who he was attracted to. If you have an interest in Turing’s life or his work, you will undoubtedly find better books out there. I received a free copy of this book, but that did not affect my review.