The Fast Music Method is a multimedia course for keyboard, organized in 5 parts plus a very useful attachment
Part I: Preparatory musical notions
Part II: Left hand - Harmony, musical accompaniment
Part III: Right hand - The melody
Part IV: Harmony together with melody
Part V: How to make a modern music song
Tonalities and chords handbook
The tips, tricks, texts, images and many audio music files (more than 260 audio files between single notes, single chord formation, chord sequences, samples of different music genres from rock to tango, simpler musical scales performed in both major and minor keys) make this method a fun, easy and intuitive didactical instrument indispensable both for beginners and for musician in search of improvement.
The features of the Fast Music Method keyboard course are the following:
Execution "by ear" of known songs, so no pentagram to play or study
No solfège lessons
Musical learning time optimization
Full description of the keyboard octave and keys/notes/sounds interactivity
All the chords that can be built on the degrees of the major and minor harmonic scales
The most appropriate chords sequence in a song execution
Sounds/images interactivity for every chord of the C Major key and its "minor relative" A Minor (chords building and execution)
Handbook of the Major Keys and the relative Minor Keys with all the chords for each of them
Musical examples and harmonic analysis of different famous songs about the times (4/4, 3/4, etc.) and the chord sequences
The right "fingering" for the left hand (accompaniment) and for the right hand (melody)
Execution of some Major and Minor scales, easy to play
Schemes highlighting "diesis" or "bemolli" to be played for each Major or Minor keys while performing the melody with the right hand
Some recurring compositive macro-structures and useful suggestions
A lot of audio files that help you discover the "secrets" of modern music
The Fast Music Method was born from the idea of the author Pierpaolo D'Angelantonio that wanted to synthesize in a course years of studies and musical research in order to allow those who have never studied music or who is willing to do it from self-taught (beginners and passionate) to learn the basic concepts of modern music and to instantly put hands on the keyboard and the guitar, learning how to play various genres in all the major and minor tonalities.
In about 80 interactive slides, the course teaches you - step by step - to put into practice all the rules and suggestionsthat a beginner's musician may need to learn to play "by ear" any song he knows with both the keyboard and the guitar; all of this in a few days and with a few hours of study available!
The satisfaction of the countless users who downloaded it since 2010, the year in which it was presented, demonstrates all the effectiveness of this course, which reduces learning times even for those who have no experience.
Thanks to the sound/image interactivity of the Fast Music Method, starting to play has never been easier!