In the wake of the troglodan attack on Earth, fledgling Knight Nate Arturi and his unruly crew venture into Alliance space in pursuit of the mysterious Black Knight. The mission couldn't be more simple. Find the Black Knight, recover the Beacon, and save the Merlin.
But simple isn't always easy, and the title of Excalibur Knight isn't what it once was.
Arriving in Alliance space, Nate and fellow Knight Iveera quickly find themselves caught in a deadly web of political ambition with ooperian assassins haunting their every step and no one to trust but each other and their rag tag crew.
The clock is ticking. An ancient evil stands on the brink of awakening. But to complete their mission, they'll have to go renegade and forfeit everything.
Can two rogue Knights stop the rising tides of galactic war?