Sandy Beck
A good source of information. I found this book very interesting it dealt with the ins and outs in a clear manner. When living in Washington we always went out to go huckleberry picking. Later I meet people who knew about wild mushrooms it was always so much fun catching some trout finding wild onions to fry up and of course having some wild mushrooms. This is a good introduction to foraging. Now I am on the lookout for a good guide for plants in Florida. If this is a subject you have an interest in then this is a good book to start with. I did receive a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.
Jamie Brydone-Jack
General Foraging Information In case you hoped this would be a good guidebook to take when you go out foraging, you will need to find another one (or more) with more pictures and guidelines for particular plants. This is a basic introduction to foraging, as the title suggests, and is more informational. The author goes over things like how to protect yourself while foraging, places to forage (and places not to), harvesting plants, and what to forage (including a paragraph on specific plants and sometimes pictures of them). We've all most likely done limited foraging, like collecting wild berries or other fruits that naturally grow close to us. (I was blessed to live on the left coast with wild blackberries growing on the edge of our parking lot.) This book allows you to step up your game a little by considering foraging more seriously and thinking about what you might find locally. As I said at the beginning of this review, you will still need a good guidebook or three to help you identify local plants (especially if you want to find mushrooms), but this is a good book to get you thinking about forging in general and what you might need to do to accomplish it successfully. I received a free copy of this book, but that did not affect my review.