Varieties with very little transcendental cohomology by D. Arapura $\mathcal{E}$-factors for the period determinants of curves by A. Beilinson Hodge cohomology of invertible sheaves by H. Esnault and A. Ogus Arithmetic intersection theory on Deligne-Mumford stacks by H. Gillet Notes on the biextension of Chow groups by S. Gorchinskiy Demonstration geometrique du theoreme de Lang-Neron et formules de Shioda-Tate by B. Kahn Surjectivity of the cycle map for Chow motives by S.-i. Kimura On codimension two subvarieties in hypersurfaces by N. M. Kumar, A. P. Rao, and G. V. Ravindra Smooth motives by M. Levine Cycles on varieties over subfields of $\mathbb{C}$ and cubic equivalence by J. D. Lewis Euler characteristics and special values of zeta-functions by S. Lichtenbaum Local Galois symbols on $E\times E$ by J. Murre and D. Ramakrishnan Semiregularity and Abelian varieties by V. K. Murty Chern classes, $K$-theory and Landweber exactness over nonregular base schemes by N. Naumann, M. Spitzweck, and P. A. Ostvaer Adams operations and motivic reduced powers by V. Snaith Chow forms, Chow quotients and quivers with superpotential by J. Stienstra