As a frequent and long-time visitor to the region, I find the information in the guide right on the mark and recommend it highly." -- Florence Chatzigianis. "I've just returned from a trip to Antibes and Nice and I used this book as my guide. The recommendations were spot on; really terrific. This is a rare thing, a guide book that inspires and tempts you without making your head spin. All the detail you need is there but this book is so much more!" -- Annie Smith. "What a great hands-on book.This is best guide to Provence and the Riviera I've come across. Her section on St. Remy and Eygalieres is perfect. "Le Petit Bru" may have been the best meal I had...and a good value. This is the one to get before you leave." -- Chuck E. "Not being the type to jump off bridges or hang glide over the treetops, I was a little worried about "Adventure Guide" in the book title, but it turns out that this guidebook features just the kind of soft adventures I enjoy: hiking, touring and poking into the interesting recesses of a country, followed by an evening of good food and wine. The author's biography says she's been visiting Provence for 20 years and it shows in her writing, which includes all the little insider tips that you'd expect from someone with her experience. With the practical information I've found in the "Adventure" guide to Provence, it may take me the next 20 years to enjoy everything this book brings to light." -- Betsy Malloy. "There are a lot of tour books for this region, but this new one is really fun. There is lots of information on "out of the way" places and interesting festivals, all sorts of things which you wont find anywhere else. I love Provence, and this book will definitely come with me the next time I go.