Grace J. Reviewerlady
Completely original and breathtakingly brilliant! Emmy Jackson is an influencer - she's very good at it because people like her. She has an amazing number of followers who admire her and help her build her brand, but Emmy isn't always truthful and because of that there are consequences. Someone is out to make sure Emmy is well aware of that. I'm so pleased to NOT be an influencer. Truth be told, I've always struggled a bit with unknown entities becoming household names purely by influencing how they make purchases, and I don't buy into the whole celebrity culture that we have going on in the world today. However, having learned so much more about what being an influencer means, I can see the attraction! Emmy, her husband Dan, and their two young children are a lovely family and the reader gets pulled into their lives at the beginning of this novel but this isn't a nicey-nicey family drama; it is one of the most chilling psychological thrillers I've ever read! I went to bed late in the evening intending to read for up to an hour before nodding off. Three hours later I was still there, incapable of closing the book until I knew the whole story - and then there was the epilogue! One of the scariest endings I've every come across. This is not one to be easily forgotten! As I said before, I'm so pleased NOT to be an influencer; if I was, I'm not sure I would ever get a good night's sleep again. Carefully planned and expertly executed, this novel has propelled the authors onto my 'must not miss' list. People Like Her gets my highest recommendation and fully earns every one of the five stars it so deserves.
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