Victoria Boutenko lives in Ashland, Oregon. She is the author of several raw recipe books, Raw Family, 12 Steps to Raw Foods, and Green For Life, which was nominated as a finalist in health and medicine for the Independent Publisher’s Award (IPPY) in 2006. She teaches classes on raw food all over the world and is an adjunct professor at Southern Oregon University. A leader in the raw food movement, her works are recognized as having a profound impact on the development of raw food communities across the globe. She continues traveling worldwide, sharing her gourmet raw cuisine and her inspiring story of change, faith, and determination.
Boutenko has published a monthly newsletter since 2003 on her website Boutenko contributes regularly to a number of periodic publications including Get Fresh, Just Eat an Apple, Alive, Natuurstemmingen, Neva, Die Wurzel, Naturaleza Cruda, and many others.