The beloved teacher behind Living Your Yoga shares core exercises, yoga poses, and breathing techniques for achieving optimal abdominal health
We have unique ways of ascribing a variety of emotions to the belly: “My guts are in a knot,” “I knew it in my gut,” “gut-wrenching,” and, “No guts, no glory.” Yet, too often, we place more emphasis on the way the abdomen looks rather than how it feels and functions.
Yoga Abs outlines a series of exercises, yoga poses (asana), and breathing practices (pranayama), designed to achieve optimal health for this crucial area, which houses the organs of both digestion and procreation.
Drawing on her experience as a yoga instructor and physical therapist, Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD, discusses the anatomical and philosophical aspects of the abdomen, and offers a set of movements that create awareness of these important muscles, and develop and maintain abdominal strength. Each exercise and asana lists:
• the props or supports needed
• safety guidelines
• practice instructions
In addition, she has created a special section called “Everyday Abs,” where you will experiment with moving mindfully through your everyday activities, such as driving, cooking, sweeping the floor, and more.