Karsten Schmidtke-Bode is currently a lecturer of English linguistics at the University of Jena and a post-doctoral researcher in a project on grammatical coding asymmetries at Leipzig University. His focus in linguistic typology has been on complex sentences, notably purpose and complement clauses, but he has also worked on the usage-based mechanisms involved in language acquisition, language change and the emergence of grammatical universals.
Natalia Levshina is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-funded Project “Grammatical Universals” headed by Martin Haspelmath. Since obtaining her PhD degree in Leuven under the supervision of Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman, she has worked in Jena, Marburg and Louvain-la-Neuve. Her main interests are usage-based linguistics, functional typology and language variation. She is a fan of big corpora, programming and statistics and has recently published a textbook “How to Do Linguistics with R: Data exploration and statistical analysis” (2015).
Susanne Maria Michaelis is a postdoc in the ERC-funded research project Grammatical Universals at Leipzig University. Her research interests in linguistics are primarily in comparative studies of pidgin and creole languages against the background of the world-wide variation of languages. She is one of the four editors of the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APiCS, OUP 2013). Her special expertise is Seychelles Creole, a French-based creole of the Indian Ocean (Temps et aspect en créole seychellois, 1993; Komplexe Syntax im Seychellen-Kreol 1994).
Ilja A. Seržant is a postdoctoral researcher in linguistics at Leipzig University. He holds a PhD in both General Linguistics and Historical-Comparative Indo-European linguistics, and a habilitation (second thesis) in General Linguistics.