Contents:Critical Phenomena, Field Theory and Renormalisation Group (T-M Yan & S C-C Lin)Field Theories of Surfaces and Interfaces (S C-C Lin)Spiral Self-Avoiding Walks (K Y Lin)Critical Phenomena on Fractal Lattices (Doochul Kim)Percolation and Phase Transitions: Towards a Unified Theory of Phase Transitions (C-K Hu)Real Space Approach to Disordered Systems (S-Y Wu)Three Routes to Chaos: Period Doubling, Intermittency and Quasiperiodicity (B Hu)Ordering Kinetics in Phase Transitions (K Kawasaki)A Design of Analog Circuit for Studies of Transitions to Chaos in a RF-Driven Josephson Junction (J C Huang et al)Potts Model and Graph Theory (F Y Wu)Number and Size of Convex Polygons on the Square Lattice (K Y Lin)Exactly Solvable Models in Statistical Mechanics and Automorphisms of Algebraic Varieties (J-M Maillard)The Application of the Transfer Matrix Method to the Phase Transition of Ising Model (T Oguchi et al)Coherent-Anomaly Method in Critical Phenomena (M Katori & M Suzuki)Monte Carlo Study of Percolation Transitions and Phase Transitions in Interacting Systems (C-K Hu & K-S Mak)Anisotropic Surface Tension and Equilibrium Crystal Shapes (R K P Zia)The Structure Making and Breaking Effects of Ion Solvation in Water (J-L Lin & C-Y Mou)Ordering Processes in Two-Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems (S=1/2) (S Miyashita)Phase Transitions in Arrays of Josephson Junctions (M Y Choi)
Readership: Theoretical physicists and condensed matter physicists.