You can analyze it from all political angles, but the truth is the world is controlled by supernatural spiritual forces and unless you understand what it is and how it operates, you will remain a slave to the system. The Bible teaches in Psalm 24:1-2 that God owns the world and everything in it. If God owns it all, then he is in absolute control and God has the tools to set you free from the satanic forces of this sinful world. The battles we face in this world are not natural. Any attempt to use natural weapons to fight these battles is a big mistake; you cannot use natural weapons to fight a supernatural battle. When you believe the enemy and look at life through the eyes of the enemy, you become engulfed and enslaved by the enemy; but when you believe in Jesus and look at life through the eyes of Jesus, you will ultimately become united to Jesus. In life, what you believe, determines what you see. The battle is in your mind. The choice is yours! “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.
Felix Wantang has been meeting face-to-face with Jesus Christ for more than thirty years to learn the language of heaven and God’s divine plan for humanity. Felix Wantang lives in Saskatchewan, Canada and has written a couple of books about the language of heaven. In his recent meetings with Jesus Christ, stunning Biblical mysteries from God’s creative library and details of his plan for humanity were revealed to Felix, by Jesus Christ. These revelations will leave you absolutely speechless and equip you with the secret supernatural weapons to fight the dark spiritual forces of this world.