"This is an enormous book. It weighs in at just under eight and a half pounds with a list price that makes it comparable to an equal quantity of sushi grade tuna! It is a beautiful and powerful text/reference book. The composition corresponds particularly well with the subject. The wealth of detail, the high quality photos and drawings, the well composed text, and the engaging layout are enticing. Handling and reading such an exceptional book brings great pleasure. Forget the fish. Buy the book."--Doody's Review Service
Here at last is a reference that covers the practice of Regional Anesthesia in its entirety, providing practitioners and students with both the physiologic principles and specific, state-of-the-art patient-management protocols and techniques.
Recognized leaders in the specialty have filled this richly illustrated volume with authoritative, completely practical help. You'll find algorithms for managing or avoiding a wide range of common clinical dilemmas or complications. You'll get time-saving tools such as intravenous-to-oral opioid conversion tables and PCA setup guides as well as no-nonsense selection of nerve block techniques and advice on their strengths and pitfalls. This handy reference helps you make wise choices about anesthetics, dosing intervals, equipment, and perioperative management of patients receiving single-injection or continuous nerve blocks or spinal or epidural anesthesia. It tells you how to successfully manage patients with suspected epidural hematoma or neurologic injuries -- and much more.