Throughout his life Hamblin experienced a divine presence. He described this experience as totally peaceful. As he became successful these experiences were exchanged for night terrors. Hamblin realized that he must retire from his success and at that time his peace returned. Through this book we can learn to use the power from within to elevate our lives to a higher level. There is a power lying hidden in man, by the use of which he can rise to higher and better things. There is in man a greater Self, that transcends the finite self of the sense-man, even as the mountain towers above the plain. The object of this little book is to help men and women to bring their inward powers of mind and spirit into expression, wisely and in harmony with universal law [BISAC]; to build up character, and to find within themselves that wondrous Self, which is their real self, and which, when found, reveals to them that they are literally and truly sons of God and daughters of the Most High.