Tom Hopkins is unique in that he won't teach you any strategy that he hasn't proven to work successfully in real-life selling situations. One single strategy alone has tripled the sales volume of many readers. That's why the book is recognized as a classic 25+ years after its first printing.
This book is written in clear, easy-to-understand language. There's no hype or theory here, just proven-effective "how-to" strategies to help you increase your sales volume immediately. Need help in a specific area? Check out the detailed index. The answers to nearly every concern or objection are literally at your fingertips. Save yourself the time it took Tom to master the art of selling. It's all wrapped up in these pages for you.
Tom Hopkins is world-renowned as The Builder of Sales Champions. His selling skills and sales strategies have helped millions of sales professionals and business owners in industries from A to Z to serve more clients, make more sales and earn millions in income.
Tom got his start in real estate sales when he was just 19 years of age. After an initial period of abject failure, he started learning the communication skills that made him the #1 real estate agent in the US within 7 years.