Speaking money affects every area of your life. It’s more than simply your savings or the investments you may have. It involves the way you think about money, the way you teach your children about it, and the way you were taught about it yourself. It’s about the way you spend it, save it, invest it, use it, need it and want it. The book will:
How to Speak Money is an easy-to-read, practical book that helps readers become fluent in the world’s most universal language.
ALI VELSHI is CNN's Chief Business Correspondent and host ofYour Money. His in-depth reporting on the auto industry was honored with a National Headliner Award for Business & Consumer reporting in 2010. He anchored CNN's coverage of the attempted terror attack on a flight into Detroit, for which CNN was nominated for a 2010 Emmy. He is the author of Gimme My Money Back: Your Guide to Beating the Financial Crisis.
CHRISTINE ROMANS is the host of Your Bottom Line, CNN's Saturday morning personal finance and lifestyle program and the money reporter for CNN's American Morning. Her reports are carried on CNN's platforms worldwide. Among her awards is an Emmy for her reporting on outsourcing American jobs. From Timothy Geithner and Venus Williams to Tony Hawk and Russell Simmons, Romans interviews a diverse range of public personalities on financial issues facing Americans. She is the author of Smart Is the New Rich (Wiley), based on her experience covering the financial crisis.