Trio Reviews
Kris Ripper has a new male/male romance coming out on April 26, 2022! Book Boyfriend is the tale of PK Harrington, who charmingly stumbles upon authoring, by way of purging his long term, unrequited crush on his bestie. I adore Kris Ripper’s writing style, especially when the story is from the point of view of a slightly geeky sweetie pie, who’s just a scooch socially awkward. PK is 100% adorable, and his clever, witty ramblings will have you falling head over feels for him. I chuckled out loud, over and over, as PK ruminates about the many peculiar and perplexing aspects of writing! Even for those of us who do little more than bore you all with our expository BS, many of the sensations are the same, and it tickled me pink to have PK validate it all. Book Boyfriend is set in New York City, and Kris Ripper totally captures the flavors of the place which make it so special. Ze’s stories are always engaging, and in addition to the marvelous character study of PK, the supporting cast is a joy, and there’s a captivating romance as well. As always, I LOVED IT, and I can’t wait to see what Kris Ripper brings us next.