Sebagai media komunikasi ilmiah, majalah ini berfungsi menyediakan sarana publikasi untuk bidang pengembangan konsep-konsep dan kajian teoritis, termasuk isu-isu aktual yang relevan dalam bidang Pendidikan Geografi pada khususnya dan Ilmu Geografi pada umumnya. Isi tulisan tidak harus sejalan dengan kebijakan redaksi.
Majalah ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan Agustus dan diedarkan sebagai bahan publikasi pendidikan geografi, ilmu geografi atau bidang lain yang terkait. Peredarannya untuk kalangan terbatas, dan para peminat dapat memperolehnya dengan mengganti ongkos cetak dan ongkos kirim.
Jurnal Geografi is published as a scientific communication media in the field of Geography Education in particular and Geography in general, as well as other related fields, for faculty members, alumni of Geography Education both from the Faculty of Social Sciences of State University of Medan and alumni of geography from other universities.
As a medium of scientific communication, this magazine serves to provide a means of publication for the field of development of concepts and theoretical studies, including actual issues that are relevant in the field of Geography Education in particular and Geography in general. The content of the writing does not have to be in line with the editorial policy.
The magazine is published twice a year in February and August and is distributed as a publication for geography education, geography or other related fields. Circulation for the limited circle and enthusiasts can get it by changing the cost of printing and postage.