Exclusive Latest Questions + Detailed Explanation & References) all new for the updated exam objectives.
This New Preparation book gives you the opportunity to test your level of understanding and gauge your readiness for the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) Exam long before the big day.
The Criteria Cognitive Ability Test (CCAT) is a psychometric test that aims to evaluate cognitive abilities.
This test assesses a candidate's ability to solve problems or analyze situations from a critical point of view and as well quantifies the learning ability speed.
The CCAT includes three different types of questions, covering verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning abilities.
This book questions cover 100% of the Criteria Cognitive Ability Test (CCAT) exam's domains and topics and include answers with full explanations to help you understand the reasoning and approach for each.
In this book, you will find Complete Practice tests of New Practice Questions similar to the ones you will find in the Official Exam. They are based on Criteria Cognitive Ability Test (CCAT) Exam Guide and contains a full explanation of the answers.
Our New and Exclusive book contains up-to-date practice exams that allows you to simulate the exam day experience and apply your own test-taking strategies with domains given in proportion to the real thing.
Measured skills:
Critical thinking, problem solving and learning speed.