TOMO I - Money and the Market: Purely Behavioral“The goal is to learn as much as possible from the most respected and qualified behavioral investors during this personal revolution. And everyone is unanimous when it comes to economic growth: behavior, rationality and self-knowledge”. Everything turned to the psychological enrichment of the individual. I created the perception that money is exact, static, but the flow of its movement [regardless of the level] is intrinsically linked to customs, habits and individual actions of the subject who holds it, directly influenced by the social environment in which he lives. All the usual paradigms to be overcome depend exclusively on the psychological, rational and supernatural reorganization of the human being involved.TOME II - The fault was always mine: And the Social BenefitDiscover your inner anguish even after your achievements. In the second book, I delve deeply into behavioral and psychological issues. The same individual who thinks about getting rich (money and material), needs to know himself, understand that his inner emptiness was probably caused by external circumstances based on someone else's life (envy, greed, power). Men live based on the lives of others, blind to themselves. I demonstrated this by explaining in a simple way how the economic cycle can directly interfere with your sadness, your emptiness and your depression.BOOK III - The Last Frontier: The Path of the SoulHow to find the path of our Soul? How do we understand where we came from and where we are going? A philosophy, or philosophical principle about the Body - matter - Soul and Spirit. Man, individual, in the labyrinth of his life. At the end of your life. I interview in this book: – A Frenchwoman who photographs decadence. The decay of everything; – An “Eternal Nonconformist”, as he called himself. A man of integrity, rich, wise as far as books allow him to go; – A Protestant Chaplain: His will in pursuit of the faith; – A monsignor: philosopher, loving, kind. He was given the title of Monsignor by Saint John Paul II; – An old lady on her deathbed: The only material possession she had left was her bed space.