Allie certainly has her hands full with an unruly team of Remnants...
A man who keeps her teeth grinding and hormones raging.
A pet bobcat who can’t keep her nose out of Allie’s business.
And angel warriors who insist on doing things their own way.
Allie isn’t really sure she and the other Remnants are ready to take the prince of darkness on while he roams about tempting the world to follow him…
…but they don’t have a choice.
He’s coming. The Releasing has happened. The suck is about to get a whole lot suckier.
If you are a Christian who enjoys Fantasy you'll adore this tale of good vs. evil, because it has just the right amount of humor, epic battles, and a hint of romance to make you keep turning the pages. Get your copy today!
I'm a Christian author who likes to write stuff that might be a little more off-the-wall than what the average Christian reader is used to. I'm positive that the Lord has a sense of humor (I mean, come on, have you seen the platypus? Seriously! You just know He laughed His head off at that creation!) and I like to make sure I get that humor in there somewhere.
So my books might lean a little more toward a PG rating, but nothing more than what you might get in a kid's cartoon these days. I like believable characters who make people smile, cry, think, and yeah...laugh.
Hit me up on my website if you have any comments, suggestions, great recipes, cleaning hints, or if you want to maybe send me some dark chocolate.