Detective Lt. Robert (Robbo) Davidson retired in 2014 after working forty years in Louisiana law enforcement, beginning as an undercover narcotics agent during the 1970’s. He later worked as an investigator for the 11th Judicial District of Louisiana before joining the DeSoto Parish Sheriff’s Department, where he worked drug and homicide investigations for thirty-three years.
For more than a decade, Davidson assisted the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association during each legislative session by talking to lawmakers and testifying before committees regarding proposed bills affecting law enforcement. He served on the Joint Terrorism Task Force. He has served on the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Department of Criminal Justice for twenty-four years.
Davidson is currently working with two Louisiana legislators to enact Jeff’s Law, creating a statewide database and alert system to enhance protections for adults with disabilities in honor of Jeff Rodgers, whose story is included in the collection.
P.J. Jones retired in 2013 after a lengthy career in journalism, starting out as a reporter for the Abilene Reporter-News before becoming a reporter for television news. She was named News Director of KTXS-TV in Abilene in 1990. As a fierce advocate for open government, her news department received the Sunshine Award from the Society of Professional Journalists for open records investigations, one of which exposed a coverup of abusive hazing practices of rookie firefighters. Another documented shoddy building practices of a state prison, which resulted in one building being razed and rebuilt. Jones served on the board of directors of the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas before accepting a position in television news management in Birmingham, Alabama. There, she coordinated with the University of Alabama and state legislators to help create the Alabama Center for Open Government.
She is working with Davidson in development of Jeff’s Law.
Following a whirlwind radio career - through St. Louis (KSD), Nashville (WLAC), Philadelphia (WIFI), New Orleans (Q-93) & Harrisburg (WKBO) - accompanied by years of award-winning commercial work, Micheal founded Airlift Productions in NOLA in 1984.
Originally specializing in Radio/TV commercial production, Airlift Productions soon expanded into Industrial Training, Educational Software, VoiceOver Demos and AudioBook work. Airlift Mike also plays in the musical arena, producing artist/musician CD albums, MP3s & demos.