In The Magic of Sensible Dieting, she offers a no nonsense, flexible approach thats adapted to each persons needs. This guide covers all aspects of dieting, including exercise and healthy food choices, providing the tools to transform your body. From macronutrients to metabolism, The Magic of Sensible Dieting explains everything you need to know to achieve your weight loss goal and maintain your new body shape.
Non-judgmental, understanding, and empowering, Tindale outlines a method that includes all aspects of dieting and at the same time debunks some common myths. Giving you renewed energy and motivation, Tindales strategy will help you achieve your weight loss goal while improving your overall health and well-being.
Bella Tindale, RN, is a registered nurse, private counselor, and weight loss consultant. A mother and grandmother, she lives in Western Australia with her husband Joe, fi ve of their ten children, and numerous pets. Tindale is the author of The Magic of Willpower.