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Please research Karen Armstrongs background and critics before reading any of her books. Armstrong has been criticised for her portrayal of Islam, which historian Efraim Karsh considered "ahistorical"[26] while librarian Raymond Ibrahim characterised her work as Islamic apologetics.[27] Much of Armstrong’s howling is rooted in her own anti-Christian bigotry, especially her hostility against the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, Islam has apparently done much to aid her “convalescence”: supposedly, she is recovering from a bad religious experience during her time as a nun, or something. As she put it in an interview with Al-Jazeera on December 20, 2005: “I really admire the Muslim tradition so much…it was the study of Islam and Judaism, but Islam particularly, that brought me back to a sense of what religion could be at its best…I have absorbed so much of Islam that it has become a part of me…I would describe myself as convalescent; recovering from a bad religious experience by the study of these other traditions which continue to inspire me and feed me.” Reread the parts highlighted in bold, and before your eyes unfolds a picture of a deeply and hopelessly confused woman.