Jane Bower
This book could have been so much better. It promised so much but was let down by a complete idiot of a Heroine. Who, in their right mind, would continue to pour copious amounts of alcohol down her throat, while all the time complaining to herself of massive headaches, insomnia, shakes, flashing lights and unable to concentrate on doing a life changing journalism opportunity. Quite frankly, it was totally ridiculous and she deserved everything that happened to her.
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Gemma Darking
Well I'm glad to have finished this book... It had way to many characters and still even though I've read the whole book don't really know who was who 🙈🙈 It picked up towards the end and made it a bit better but all in all was not impressed was even tempted to give up with it but I carried on because I wanted to like it because heard so much good reviews but unfortunately it's not for me but because the end made it a bit better to read i will be generous and give a 3... 🌟🌟🌟🤗👍
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Fredrik Josefsson
I generally don't read mystery/thrillers but I'm taking a break from fantasy. With this said I don't have a lot to compare the book with. It's an easy-read book, I would guess it's intended for younger people or people who don't read a lot. I still really enjoyed it. The story is compelling and the plot is great. Fast paced and a real page-turner.
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