The Greatest Religious Question; reveals three heavens in the Genesis, unnoted by many, more so, Jesus spoke of two saves; they amongst other (unnoticed and misunderstood) sayings are brought to light.
This book shows that the KJV Bible is more reliable, for example; 1John 5:7 and Matthew 19:9 (fornication) are explained, and should not have been taken out of other Bibles. It also shows that the Father brought His Son to earth that He go to the Jews only, without riches, not even a pillow; Jesus gives an itinerary to take Abrahams bosom along with converted Jews and Gentiles to the Fathers kingdom, also Judas who killed himself will be taken; the Father Himself will condemn Judas.
Born and grew up in Nassau Bahamas, my Dad was killed in a traffic accident, by a drunk driver; I was eleven at the time, the fifth of nine children. Our Mom did not want to separate us; therefore she took us out of school at fourteen years old (the mandatory school age at that time) to work for support of the family. Brought up in a family that love and respect God, I had always prayed and asked the Lord to give me a wife that would lead me to Him. I was living in the East and a young girl name Nancy age seventeen just out of school, living in the West, came in the East to work. I met Nancy, she attended a small Church in eight Street the Grove Ministered by James Redman and Donald Dorsett, we got married there in 1972 and the Father has drawn me unto His Son in 1973 under that ministry. We are blessed with six children; all are alive, and happily together, thanks be to God. The Lord has taken me through the Royal Bahamas Police Force, from 1969 to 1999, in which I had never wavered in the faith, I had stumbled, because I am human, however with the Lord’s help, not to make the same mistakes again, I am much stronger. I say to my brothers in the Forces, Keep God in front. Upon leaving the Police Force, Nancy and I moved to the USA where we now reside. I started to work for myself, only to understand that the Lord Jesus had His work planned out for me to do. He has been grooming me over the years and in 2006 the Holy Spirit instructed me to put out a DVD, LET ALL THE WORLD BELIEVE. The Spirit later informed me that 95 per cent or more Bahamians believe and are saved according to John 1:11-12, John 3:16-17, and John 11:26-26. And that DVD is not for Believers. Therefore I was instructed to produce the second DVD, FINAL HOUR. To mention the production of the DVDs, I was seeking professional production, but the Holy Spirit said to me that if He wanted professional He would have gotten professionals. He also reminded me that the Jews rejected the Son of God because He was menial to them. Please do not be proud, listen to what the words are saying. I have also put out a number of sermons on paper. I believe they will go to whom they are intended. Only God knows. I also put out a CD, OUR FATHER SONG #1, I don’t know how I did it. It only could have been the guidance of the Holy Spirit to put the words and scriptures to rhyme like that. I am still amazed. All the understanding of God’s word mentioned in the CD, I have received in the past four years. I am happy that I received it and that I am able to pass it on to you. I am also happy that the Holy Spirit had led me to Minister Outten who with his team did such a wonderful job. I was happy to start giving them out in 2014. You may be able to hear it (Our Father Song #1) on YouTube. It was at the beginning of summer 2014 when I was on the internet and I saw this Christian website Westbow Press, encouraging Christians to write books. At that time I had two sermons prepared which I was waiting on the Holy Spirit to tell me where and when to deliver them. While on the website I understand the Holy Spirit saying to me publish the sermons in book. I must agree I was a little skeptic because I had never before published a book nor did I know how to. However, anyone who know about the Holy Spirit, when He gives you something to do and you don’t do it right away, it can lay heavily upon you. The website was so well put together and convincing that I went for it and with God’s help this is the end results. Thanks for reading. God bless you.