Marilyn Burnett
Honestly, I only read the sample, but it was enough to know that this author knows what he's talking about. The book is about the creative experience, our creative ability inherent within us, and how we can enhance it for greater expression and utilize it to create whatever we want. By doing this with conscious awareness, we grow and move closer to nature and the divine, providing, of course, that what we're creating is for good and not for evil. We are creative beings as we were created by the greatest Creator in His image and likeness. We create our experiences in life by the things on which we focus our attention and by what we believe to be true. We do this whether we are doing it consciously or unconsciously. When we do it unconsciously, we often create experiences that are hurtful or painful. By learning how to do this with more conscious awareness, we may create a more harmonious, peaceful, and joyous life, and our creations bless others as well. A book well worth reading!
Pan2Screen (PeterPan)
Nothing new in this book, but Rick Rubin made advice words in this book so beautiful and I can't put it down. It's like Nolan or Tarantino's movies that borrow so many sources to craft the work but somehow found the way to make it own thing. As a writer, this book will close to my heart for long, long time.