The Computer Networks MCQs with Answers PDF eBook includes revision guide with verbal, quantitative, and analytical past papers, solved MCQs. Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF: Free download chapter 1, a book covers solved quiz questions and answers on chapters: Analog transmission, bandwidth utilization: multiplexing and spreading, computer networking, congestion control and quality of service, connecting LANs, backbone networks and virtual LANs, cryptography, data and signals, data communications, data link control, data transmission: telephone and cable networks, digital transmission, domain name system, error detection and correction, multimedia, multiple access, network layer: address mapping, error reporting and multicasting, network layer: delivery, forwarding, and routing, network layer: internet protocol, network layer: logical addressing, network management: SNMP, network models, network security, process to process delivery: UDP, TCP and SCTP, remote logging, electronic mail and file transfer, security in the internet: IPSEC, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and firewalls, SONET, switching, transmission media, virtual circuit networks: frame relay and ATM, wired LANs: Ethernet, wireless LANs, wireless wans: cellular telephone and satellite networks, www and http tests for college and university revision guide. Computer Networks Quiz Questions and Answers PDF, free download eBook’s sample covers beginner's solved questions, textbook's study notes to practice online tests.
The book Computer Networks MCQs Chapter 1-33 PDF e-Book includes CS question papers to review practice tests for exams. Computer Networks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF digital edition eBook, a study guide with textbook chapters' tests for CCNA/CompTIA/CCNP/CCIE competitive exam. Computer Networks Mock Tests Chapter 1-33 eBook covers problem solving exam tests from networking textbook and practical eBook chapter wise as:
Chapter 1: Analog Transmission MCQ
Chapter 2: Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading MCQ
Chapter 3: Computer Networking MCQ
Chapter 4: Congestion Control and Quality of Service MCQ
Chapter 5: Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks and Virtual LANs MCQ
Chapter 6: Cryptography MCQ
Chapter 7: Data and Signals MCQ
Chapter 8: Data Communications MCQ
Chapter 9: Data Link Control MCQ
Chapter 10: Data Transmission: Telephone and Cable Networks MCQ
Chapter 11: Digital Transmission MCQ
Chapter 12: Domain Name System MCQ
Chapter 13: Error Detection and Correction MCQ
Chapter 14: Multimedia MCQ
Chapter 15: Multiple Access MCQ
Chapter 16: Network Layer: Address Mapping, Error Reporting and Multicasting MCQ
Chapter 17: Network Layer: Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing MCQ
Chapter 18: Network Layer: Internet Protocol MCQ
Chapter 19: Network Layer: Logical Addressing MCQ
Chapter 20: Network Management: SNMP MCQ
Chapter 21: Network Models MCQ
Chapter 22: Network Security MCQ
Chapter 23: Process to Process Delivery: UDP, TCP and SCTP MCQ
Chapter 24: Remote Logging, Electronic Mail and File Transfer MCQ
Chapter 25: Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls MCQ
Chapter 26: SONET MCQ
Chapter 27: Switching MCQ
Chapter 28: Transmission Media MCQ
Chapter 29: Virtual Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM MCQ
Chapter 30: Wired LANs: Ethernet MCQ
Chapter 31: Wireless LANs MCQ
Chapter 32: Wireless WANs: Cellular Telephone and Satellite Networks MCQ
Chapter 33: WWW and HTTP MCQ
The Analog Transmission MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 1 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Analog to analog conversion, digital to analog conversion, amplitude modulation, computer networking, and return to zero.
The Bandwidth Utilization: Multiplexing and Spreading MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 2 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Multiplexers, multiplexing techniques, network multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing, multilevel multiplexing, time division multiplexing, wavelength division multiplexing, amplitude modulation, computer networks, data rate and signals, digital signal service, and spread spectrum.
The Computer Networking MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 3 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Networking basics, what is network, network topology, star topology, protocols and standards, switching in networks, and what is internet.
The Congestion Control and Quality of Service MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 4 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Congestion control, quality of service, techniques to improve QoS, analysis of algorithms, integrated services, network congestion, networking basics, scheduling, and switched networks.
The Connecting LANs, Backbone Networks and Virtual LANs MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 5 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Backbone network, bridges, configuration management, connecting devices, networking basics, physical layer, repeaters, VLANs configuration, and wireless communication.
The Cryptography MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 6 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Introduction to cryptography, asymmetric key cryptography, ciphers, data encryption standard, network security, networks SNMP protocol, and Symmetric Key Cryptography (SKC).
The Data and Signals MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 7 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Data rate and signals, data bandwidth, data rate limit, analog and digital signal, composite signals, digital signals, baseband transmission, bit length, bit rate, latency, network performance, noiseless channel, period and frequency, periodic and non-periodic signal, periodic analog signals, port addresses, and transmission impairment.
The Data Communications MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 8 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Data communications, data flow, data packets, computer networking, computer networks, network protocols, network security, network topology, star topology, and standard Ethernet.
The Data Link Control MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 9 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Data link layer, authentication protocols, data packets, byte stuffing, flow and error control, framing, HDLC, network protocols, point to point protocol, noiseless channel, and noisy channels.
The Data Transmission: Telephone and Cable Networks MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 10 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Cable TV network, telephone networks, ADSL, data bandwidth, data rate and signals, data transfer cable TV, dial up modems, digital subscriber line, downstream data band, and transport layer.
The Digital Transmission MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 11 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Amplitude modulation, analog to analog conversion, bipolar scheme, block coding, data bandwidth, digital to analog conversion, digital to digital conversion, HDB3, line coding schemes, multiline transmission, polar schemes, pulse code modulation, return to zero, scrambling, synchronous transmission, transmission modes.
The Domain Name System MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 12 practice test to solve MCQ questions on DNS, DNS encapsulation, DNS messages, DNS resolution, domain name space, domain names, domains, distribution of name space, and registrars.
The Error Detection and Correction MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 13 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Error detection, block coding, cyclic codes, internet checksum, linear block codes, network protocols, parity check code, and single bit error.
The Multimedia MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 14 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Analysis of algorithms, audio and video compression, data packets, moving picture experts group, streaming live audio video, real time interactive audio video, real time transport protocol, SNMP protocol, and voice over IP.
The Multiple Access MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 15 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Multiple access protocol, frequency division multiple access, code division multiple access, channelization, controlled access, CSMA method, CSMA/CD, data link layer, GSM and CDMA, physical layer, random access, sequence generation, and wireless communication.
The Network Layer: Address Mapping, Error Reporting and Multicasting MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 16 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Address mapping, class IP addressing, classful addressing, classless addressing, address resolution protocol, destination address, DHCP, extension headers, flooding, ICMP, ICMP protocol, ICMPV6, IGMP protocol, internet protocol IPV4, intra and interdomain routing, IPV4 addresses, IPV6 and IPV4 address space, multicast routing protocols, network router, network security, PIM software, ping program, routing table, standard Ethernet, subnetting, tunneling, and what is internet.
The network layer: delivery, forwarding, and routing MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 17 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Delivery, forwarding, and routing, networking layer forwarding, analysis of algorithms, multicast routing protocols, networking layer delivery, and unicast routing protocols.
The Network Layer: Internet Protocol MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 18 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Internet working, IPV4 connectivity, IPV6 test, and network router.
The Network Layer: Logical Addressing MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 19 practice test to solve MCQ questions on IPV4 addresses, IPV6 addresses, unicast addresses, IPV4 address space, and network router.
The Network Management: SNMP MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 20 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Network management system, SNMP protocol, simple network management protocol, configuration management, data packets, and Ethernet standards.
The Network Models MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 21 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Network address, bit rate, flow and error control, layered tasks, open systems interconnection model, OSI model layers, peer to peer process, physical layer, port addresses, TCP/IP protocol, TCP/IP suite, and transport layer.
The Network Security MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 22 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Message authentication, message confidentiality, message integrity, analysis of algorithms, and SNMP protocol.
The Process to Process Delivery: UDP, TCP and SCTP MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 23 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Process to process delivery, UDP datagram, stream control transmission protocol (SCTP), transmission control protocol (TCP), transport layer, and user datagram protocol.
The Remote Logging, Electronic Mail and File Transfer MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 24 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Remote logging, electronic mail, file transfer protocol, domains, telnet, and what is internet.
The Security in Internet: IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and firewalls MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 25 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Network security, firewall, and computer networks.
The SONET MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 26 practice test to solve MCQ questions on SONET architecture, SONET frames, SONET network, multiplexers, STS multiplexing, and virtual tributaries.
The Switching MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 27 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Switching in networks, circuit switched networks, datagram networks, IPV6 and IPV4 address space, routing table, switch structure, and virtual circuit networks.
The Transmission Media MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 28 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Transmission media, guided transmission media, unguided media: wireless, unguided transmission, computer networks, infrared, standard Ethernet, twisted pair cable, and wireless networks.
The Virtual Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 29 practice test to solve MCQ questions on virtual circuit networks, frame relay and ATM, frame relay in VCN, ATM LANs, ATM technology, LAN network, length indicator, and local area network emulation.
The Wired LANs: Ethernet MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 30 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Ethernet standards, fast Ethernet, gigabit Ethernet, standard Ethernet, data link layer, IEEE standards, and media access control.
The Wireless LANs MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 31 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Wireless networks, Bluetooth LAN, LANs architecture, baseband layer, Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth frame, Bluetooth Piconet, Bluetooth technology, direct sequence spread spectrum, distributed coordination function, IEEE 802.11 frames, IEEE 802.11 standards, media access control, network protocols, OFDM, physical layer, point coordination function, what is Bluetooth, wireless Bluetooth.
The Wireless WANs: Cellular Telephone and Satellite Networks MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 32 practice test to solve MCQ questions on Satellite networks, satellites, cellular telephone and satellite networks, GSM and CDMA, GSM network, AMPs, cellular networks, cellular telephony, communication technology, configuration management, data communication and networking, frequency reuse principle, global positioning system, information technology, interim standard 95 (IS-95), LEO satellite, low earth orbit, mobile communication, mobile switching center, telecommunication network, and wireless communication.
The WWW and HTTP MCQ PDF e-Book: Chapter 33 practice test to solve MCQ questions on World wide web architecture, http and html, hypertext transfer protocol, web documents, and what is internet.