Do Good documents the sea of change that has impacted the twenty-first-century marketplace more than even the most optimistic of business forecasters, including examples such as:
Customers have shown with their wallets the types of businesses they will support and that they will quickly call out negligence. Buyers today demand more than half-hearted pledges from companies who are clearly just trying to show less profits and decrease their taxes.
By implementing the five-step model for the new rules of business laid out in Do Good--Trust, Enrichment, Responsibility, Community, and Contribution--companies can take the necessary steps to embed social consciousness into their DNA, in turn capturing both markets and hearts.
ANNE BAHR THOMPSON is founder of the brand consultancy Onesixtyfourth and former executive director of strategy and planning at Interbrand. She has been featured in the Financial Times, The New York Times, and on Fox Business and MarketWatch Radio.