In 2014 Michael Fullan set his sights on the daily needs of school leaders in his bestselling book The Principal. This updated edition shows how the principal’s role continues to change—alongside our changing world—and how we can embrace the transformation in short order. As crucial in-school influencers of student learning, principals have an opportunity and an obligation to maximize student achievement. But how? In The Principal 2.0, Fullan explains why the answer lies neither in micro-managing instruction nor in autonomous entrepreneurialism. He shows a new way forward that allows principals to expand their roles without overstepping and contribute to the development of the whole school.
Even in difficult times of crisis, there’s room for principals to take action. In The Principal 2.0, Fullan explains how to loosen focus on accountability and instead concentrate on capacity-building; focus less on technology and more on pedagogy; abandon fragmented strategies; and forgo individualistic solutions in favor of collaborative effort.
Discover why The Principal is a bestseller in educational leadership, and strike out into the future with this new edition, updated for the changing role of today’s principals.
Michael Fullan is an internationally known authority on educational leadership. Professor emeritus at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, Fullan is Global Co-Director of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. He is an adviser and consultant on major education reform initiatives around the world. His previous books include Change Leader, The Six Secrets of Change, and Leading in a Culture of Change.