Four priority recommendations are developped in this report :
Recommendation 1 – Bolster the effectiveness of law in relation to digital platforms
Recommendation 2 – Ensure data system fairness
Recommendation 3 – Invest significantly in skills and knowledge to
bolster competitiveness
Recommendation 4 – Set the right conditions to allow alternatives to emerge
In addition to this report, the Council publishes:
More technical factsheets to deepen some recommendation:
- The resources of law to the service of neutrality
- Loyalty and sustainably of the data system
- Positive neutrality: reuniting the conditions of an open Internet
An analysis report on the plateform ecosystems.
The restitution of the whole consultation.
The French Digital Council is an independent advisory commission. Its remit was redefined and expanded by presidential decree on 13 December 2012, following its presentation on 12 December to the Council of Ministers by Fleur Pellerin, Minister Delegate with responsibility for SMEs, Innovation and the Digital Economy. The Council’s members were appointed on 17 January 2013 by presidential decree. The Council was set up in April 2011.
The Council issues independent opinions and recommendations on any question relating to the impact of digital technologies on economy and society. The government can consult the Council on new legislation or draft regulations. The Council’s thirty members come from across the digital spectrum, and include researchers and activists. The Council organises public consultations at both local and national level, and is in constant contact with France’s digital ecosystem, including elected officials, members of civil society, researchers, digital experts, entrepreneurs and professional organisations.
Benoît Thieulin, founder and CEO of La NetscouadeBoard:
Christine Balagué, Vice-President responsible for fundamental rights and freedoms, holder of the “social networks” chair at the Institut Mines-Télécom
Godefroy Beauvallet, Vice-President responsible for public services and civic life, head of the AXA Research Fund and lecturer at Telecom ParisTech
Tariq Krim, Vice-President responsible for ecosystem and innovation, founder and CEO of Jolicloud
Valérie Peugeot, Vice-President responsible for the digital transition and knowledge society, researcher at Orange Labs, in charge of prospective issues in the Human and Social Science Lab; President of the association Vecam
Serge Abiteboul, Research Director at INRIA and member of the LSV laboratory at ENS Cachan
Nathalie Andrieux, Director of Digital Media at La Poste Group and President of Mediapost Communication
Ludovic Blecher, Director of the Google-AIPG Digital Innovation Press Fund
Michel Briand, Vice-President of the Brest Métropole Océane Urban Community responsible for the social and solidarity economy and digital planning, Deputy Director of Training at Télécom Bretagne and Vice-President of Mégalis Bretagne
Virginia Cruz, Designer at IDSLPascal Daloz, Executive Vice-President of Dassault Systèmes in charge of Corporate Strategy and Market Development
Marylène Delbourg-Delphis, CEO of Talent Circles
Stéphane Distinguin, founder and CEO of FaberNovel and head of the Cap Digital Paris Région competitiveness cluster
Marie Ekeland, Partner at Elaia Partners and Co-President of France Digitale
Virginie Fauvel, Head of the Digital and Market Management Unit at Allianz
Cyril Garcia, Head of Strategy and member of the Executive Committee of the Capgemini Group
Audrey Harris, CEO of Soubis
Francis Jutand, Scientific Director of the Institut Mines-Télécom in charge of research and innovation
Daniel Kaplan, Executive Vice-President of the Fondation pour l’Internet Nouvelle Génération (FING)
Laurence le Ny, Head of Music and Culture at the Orange Group
Tristan Nitot, spokesman of Mozilla
Sophie Pène, lecturer at Paris Descartes University
Nathalie Bloch-Pujo, Director of Hachette Tourisme
Lara Rouyrès, entrepreneur, business angel and founder of
Jean-Baptiste Rudelle, founder and President of Criteo
Cécile Russeil, Chief Counsel of the Ubisoft Entertainment Group
Nathalie Sonnac, lecturer in information and communication science at Panthéon-Assas University
Bernard Stiegler, philosopher, chairman of the association Ars Industrialis and Director of the Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) at the Centre Georges Pompidou
Marc Tessier, Director of VidéoFutur and and President of the Forum des ImagesBrigitte Vallée, Director of Research at the CNRS
Jean-Baptiste Soufron, General Secretary
Yann Bonnet, General Rapporteur
Somalina Pa, Rapporteur
Mathilde Bras, Deputy Rapporteur
Judith Herzog-Bufalo, Deputy Rapporteur
Léa Douhard, Deputy Rapporteur
Camille Hartman, Intern
Aurélien Bandini, Intern
Rosemarie Césaire-Gédéon, Executive Assistant