Brought up in the savage captivity of her unstable grandmother's rural Pennsylvania home, Mari Calder once yearned for rescue. Now she struggles every day to function as an adult in the confines of normal society. Left with only a foggy recollection of her childhood, she's consumed with being a dutiful wife to her husband, Ryan, and mother to their two children.
But an unexpected twist of events returns her to that long-forgotten house in the woods. Soon, Mari is greeted with reminders of a past life, the clarified memories only inviting a new level of strangeness into her fragile world. To protect her family, she must find the beautiful, powerful strength hidden in her inner chaos. Because someone is bent on exploiting Mari's trauma, and as normal and wild begin to blend, a string of devastating truths force Mari to question all she thought she knew.
'Haunting, devastating, heart-wrenching.' – RT Book Reviews on Precious and Fragile Things
Megan Hart is the award-winning and multi-published author of more than forty novels, novellas and short stories. Her work has been published in almost every genre, including contemporary women’s fiction, romance, horror and science fiction. Megan lives in southwestern Ohio, which is too far away from the ocean. You can contact Megan through her website at