In The 6% Club, The Change Doctor Michelle Rozen, PhD, teaches audiences and readers how to create and actually stick to new positive habits, unlocking the secret formula to the life, success, and happiness they've always dreamed of. The book was born from a recent study where Dr. Rozen surveyed 1,000 people who pledged to make a change in their lives, and, shockingly, only 6% had stuck to the change just a month later.
Dr. Rozen's powerful, uplifting, and actionable methods have been tested on countless event attendees from all types of background for over a decade. In this book, readers will learn how to:
Based on science and written by one of the most sought-after motivational speakers on leadership and change, The 6% Club earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of all individuals looking to make lasting changes in their personal and professional lives.
Dr. MICHELLE ROZEN, a.k.a The Change Doctor, is currently one of the most sought-after actionable speakers on leadership, motivation, and change. Dr. Michelle is trusted by global brands such as Pfizer, Merrill Lynch, Coca-Cola, and many more. More than a powerful motivational speaker, she is a true game-changer for leading organizations in engaging their teams and moving them to action in the most inspiring, insightful, and uplifting way. Rave reviews from the world’s leading brands and standing ovations time after time say it all. Dr. Michelle is a true gem in the world of motivation, and if you’re lucky enough to hear her speak, the way you handle life, business, and other people, will never be the same.