Monique Fischer
2.5 stars I was sort of hoping that the second installment in The Mylena Chronicles would answer some of the questions I had in the first one. Instead it added some more questions and I wasn’t completely satisfied. Greta was even more annoying to me in this one than she was in the previous book. The whole “I’m not pretty because my body and face is riddled with scars thing” had me rolling my eyes so many times. Also, we get that she’s a bounty hunter and supposed to be this bad ass chick (which, I really don’t get because she’s always being saved by either Isaac or Siona), but she kind pf stepped into it when she fell in love with a Goblin King. I mean really, you don’t want to wear dresses and do all the things royalty does, then get away from the royalty. The plot kind of jumped all over the place for me and I ended up being more bored than interested. In short it was messy. I also felt like it could have been shorter, because there were a lot of times where it seemed the author just put in more words to describe a scene that only needed a few. The only thing I pretty much enjoyed was the ending. I wanted to enjoy this one more than the first, but unfortunately that didn’t