Computational physics combines physics, applied mathematics, and computer science in a cutting-edge multidisciplinary approach to solving realistic physical problems. It has become integral to modern physics research because of its capacity to bridge the gap between mathematical theory and real-world system behavior.
Computational Physics provides the reader with the essential knowledge to understand computational tools and mathematical methods well enough to be successful. Its philosophy is rooted in “learning by doing”, assisted by many sample programs in the popular Python programming language. The first third of the book lays the fundamentals of scientific computing, including programming basics, stable algorithms for differentiation and integration, and matrix computing. The latter two-thirds of the textbook cover more advanced topics such linear and nonlinear differential equations, chaos and fractals, Fourier analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and finite difference and finite elements methods. A particular focus in on the applications of these methods for solving realistic physical problems.
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Computational Physics is ideal for students in physics, engineering, materials science, and any subjects drawing on applied physics.
Rubin H. Landau, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. In his long and distinguished research career he has been instrumental in the development of computational physics as a defined subject, and founded both the Computational Physics Degree Program and the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering.
Manuel J. Páez, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. He teaches courses in both physics and programming, and he and Professor Landau have collaborated on pathbreaking computational physics investigations.
Cristian C. Bordeianu, PhD, taught Physics and Computer Science at the Military College “Stefan cel Mare,” Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania.