In this gripping tale, Detective Grace Holloway is lured to an eerily quiet coastal town shrouded in fog and haunted by unexplained murders. Her investigation begins in "The Silent Town," where the air is thick with unease, and the line between reality and the paranormal begins to blur. What starts as a standard murder mystery quickly evolves into a chilling journey through the psyches of those harboring dark pasts and buried secrets. Grace encounters cryptic messages, spectral visions, and a growing sense that the very town itself is complicit in hiding the truth.
With its richly atmospheric setting, "Unseen Forces" explores the collision between the psychological and the supernatural. Zayne Rivers weaves a tapestry of tension, where guilt, betrayal, and redemption intertwine. The novel takes readers on a journey through twisted alliances, fractured relationships, and chilling confrontations with both human and otherworldly adversaries. Each chapter peels back another layer of the mystery, revealing how deeply the shadows of the past influence the present.
From the haunted library of forgotten lore to the dense woods hiding gruesome discoveries, Grace must navigate a web of lies, trauma, and ancient folklore to uncover the truth. As the stakes escalate, the unseen forces driving the town—and its inhabitants—are revealed in a finale that is as harrowing as it is thought-provoking.
Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and paranormal mysteries, "Unseen Forces" is a masterclass in suspense, drawing readers into a narrative that will linger long after the final page. Zayne Rivers crafts a story where the most terrifying truths are not just hidden in the shadows—they are waiting to be unearthed.
Zayne Rivers is a masterful storyteller known for weaving captivating tales of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural. Drawing inspiration from eerie settings, psychological depth, and the shadows of the unknown, Zayne creates narratives that linger in the minds of readers long after the final page.
With a background in criminology and a lifelong fascination with folklore, Zayne seamlessly blends real-world investigations with chilling paranormal elements, crafting stories that explore the darker corners of the human psyche. Known for their atmospheric writing and complex characters, Zayne has gained a loyal readership among fans of psychological thrillers and supernatural mysteries.
When not writing, Zayne enjoys exploring abandoned places, researching unsolved crimes, and uncovering local legends that inspire new stories. Based in a quiet countryside home surrounded by misty woods, Zayne spends their days immersed in storytelling and their evenings bingeing classic detective series or spooky documentaries.
Zayne Rivers’ debut novel, Echoes of a Forgotten Crime, has been praised for its evocative prose, gripping plot, and the perfect balance of psychological suspense and otherworldly intrigue. Follow Zayne to stay updated on their latest releases and upcoming projects.