Desperate to save his young daughter’s life, widowed soldier Hunt Grainger tasked war correspondent Yancy Malone with smuggling Laila to the U.S. Now, years later, Yancy and Laila are back in Afghanistan—and face to face with the man they both thought was dead.
Hunt is desperate to reconnect with the child he barely knows and the headstrong redhead he never forgot. When Laila and Yancy are targeted by a group hell-bent on revenge, Hunt’s protective instincts kick into overdrive. Their only option: hide out at Yancy’s family ranch until the threat subsides. But Hunt’s own secrets might lead everyone he loves into even more danger!
Kathleen Creighton has roots deep in the California soil, but has relocated to South Carolina. As a child, she enjoyed listening to old timers' tales, and her fascination with the past only deepened as she grew older. Today, she says she is interested in everything–art, music, gardening, zoology, anthropology, and history–but people are at the top of her list. She also has a lifelong passion for writing, and now combines her two loves in romance novels.