start reading Thai in no time
Even if you don’t speak Thai!
You want to read signs. You want to know what’s on the menu. You want to feel independent living in Thailand. But you can’t read Thai! Perhaps because the script looks too complex, or Thai people keep telling you how hard it is, or you don’t want to spend months learning it.
Here’s a challenge: what if I tell you that you can learn to read Thai in just 10 days? With only a few hours a day for less than 2 weeks, you’ll be able to decrypt the mystery of the curious Thai characters and start reading right away!!
Still sceptical? Try it and see for yourself!!
- Perfect for both advanced Thai speakers and absolute beginners
- With many useful illustrations and mnemonics to aid learning
- Start reading Thai in just 10 days!
Arthit Juyaso (Bingo) is a polyglot and a language teacher with over 10 years of experience teaching English, Japanese, and Thai to students of all ages and nationalities. He is currently the headmaster of Duke Language School, Bangkok.