<p>The thoroughly revised, updated & restructured 8th edition of the book 'General Knowledge Capsule 2025' is now designed in the form of a capsule to give a refreshing look to the students. As is the look so is the content, the book is completely restructure in the form of content too. <br />✍ The book is divided into 80 Topics, out of which 72 caters to static GK and 8 caters to Current Affairs updated including Budget 2024. <br />✍ Each of the 80 Topics are covered in 2 pages so that you get to-the-point content for your Competitive Exams.<br />✍ The book captures GK about India, World, the who's who and day-to-day events happening around the globe.<br />✍ The most important feature of the book is the relevance of its content to most of the Competitive Exams. <br />✍ The book covers History, Geography, Polity, Economy, Environment, Science and Technology, Space, Sports, Awards & Honours, etc. <br />✍ Exam Special 7 Chapters on Railways, Banking, Environment, Science & Tech, Bills & Acts, Schemes & Policies & Agriculture are added.<br />✍ Special coverage of Budget 2024 is another added feature.<br />✍ Figures, Graphics and Tables are provided along with the theory, wherever required.<br />✍ The 'Current Affairs' section covers the latest News & Events relevant for Competitive Exams.<br />✍ Divided into 8 parts – Political, Economical, Social, Environmental, technological, Sports developments along with Bills & Acts and Policies & Schemes. </p>