Satyendra S. Choudhury is 22 years old. Although, he belongs to Balrampur district in Uttar Pradesh but he migrated to Lucknow after completing his 12th from Odisha. He wishes to found a hospital in near future and is determined to set himself as a motivational speaker and an author. He lives in Noida at present and is perusing his graduation (last year) from BJMC. He often found writing something as he has an innate affinity towards pen and paper. He also has fond of watching romantic, thriller and inspirational movies. Reading books have also been his fond.गा |
Satyendra S. Choudhury is 22 years old. Although, he belongs to Balrampur district in Uttar Pradesh but he migrated to Lucknow after completing his 12th from Odisha. He wishes to found a hospital in near future and is determined to set himself as a motivational speaker and an author. He lives in Noida at present and is perusing his graduation (last year) from BJMC. He often found writing something as he has an innate affinity towards pen and paper. He also has fond of watching romantic, thriller and inspirational movies. Reading books have also been his fond.