In this book I’ve compiled everything I could find out about these unusual finds from my prior three books and additional research. 54 artifacts are covered in detail.
I’ve included all of this information except that specifically related to Aliens and UFOs since that information is in my books on those topics.
The information here is presented in five parts:
Part A: Artifacts Found in Historical Times
Part B: Very Ancient Objects to Millions of Years Old
Part C: A Civilization 300 Million Years Ago
Part D: Human Footprints in Rock
Part E: Artifacts of Undetermined Ages
I hope you find all of this information as interesting as I do since it changes our understanding of the history of our planet in incredible ways.
Martin is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. He has a B.S. degree in Engineering Science from Renesselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1977. He has also done extensive graduate work in management and computer science. His career includes many years working for Fortune 100 companies. His books are an outgrowth of his views on Science, Metaphysics, Longevity, and other unusual subjects