A small town with big problems...
The Cat Who Tailed a Thief is a witty mystery from Lilian Jackson Braun, featuring feline friends Koko and Yum Yum. Perfect for fans of cosy crime and clever cats.
'Entertaining and absorbing mysteries which, in the tradition of all good whodunnits, keep you guessing right to the end' - Dumfries and Galloway Standard
A spate of petty thefts threatens the holiday spirit in Pickax. First it's just a pair of sunglasses and gloves that disappear - but then the entire charity collection of the Indian Village Bridge Club is found missing. And unfortunately the worst is yet to come...
Ironically, the small items begin to disappear when banker Willard Carmichael moves to Pickax. Willard has come accompanied by his flashy young wife, Danielle, and plans to restore a few Victorian homes. But when he's found murdered in an apparent mugging, his wife's cousin appears a bit too eager to pick up where Willard tragically had to leave off...
What readers are saying about The Cat Who Tailed a Thief:
'A fun, cosy mystery'
'Brilliant as always'
'Five stars'