• Article, "A Technological Trifecta: Using Videos, Playlists, and Facebook in Law School Classes to Reach Today's Students," by Dionne Anthon, Anna Hemingway & Amanda Smith
• Article, "From the School Yard to Cyberspace: A Review of Bullying Liability," by Elizabeth M. Jaffe
• Article, "Building the Ethical Cyber Commander and the Law of Armed Conflict," by Jody M. Prescott
• Note, "The 140-Character Campaign: Regulating Social Media Usage in Campaign Advertising," by Jeffrey P. Hinkeldey
• Note, "Computerized IEP Generators: The Promise and the Peril," by David Ulric
In the new ebook edition, quality presentation includes active TOC, linked notes, active URLs in notes, proper digital and Bluebook formatting, and inclusion of images and tables from the original print edition.
The Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal is edited and produced by students at Rutgers University School of Law – Newark and features contributions by leading scholars and professionals in the field. Founded in 1969, the Journal is the oldest computer law periodical in the academic world. Since its inception, the Journal has maintained a tradition of excellence, and has designed each publication issue to foster critical discourse on the technological breakthroughs impacting the legal landscape.