Emotional abuse is one of the most insidious and elusive forms of abuse in domestic relationships that cuts through all colors, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic classes.
Emotional abuse does not leave a physical mark. When seen through an isolated incident, the abuse can seem trivial and nonsensical.
Worse, emotional abuse typically happens one-to-one behind closed doors.
So the signs are difficult to spot for the abused and the friends and families of both the abused and the abuser.
This book is about spotting those signs and applying the five strengths of the TLB Method to combat the most common forms of emotional abuse.
TeaLeaf Blossoms (or TLB), although tremendously appreciative of hot tea, loves cold water infusion of tea leaves. The delicate flavors of each tea bag add to the overall delight of a hot summer day spent under the shade, sipping on cold herbal teas. How Hot is Your Tea is TeaLeaf’s first book. The latest TLB work can be found at Patreon: patreon.com/tealeafblossoms
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